Restore God's Ancient Plan for You!

You have up to 66,000 thoughts a day. Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on each thought you have.  It’s time to rise above the chaos of your mind and operate at a higher conscious level where you can literally change your actual physiology permanently through a greater union with Jesus.

I want to activate you to become your  own cell biologist so that you can literally change your physiology. You will have even greater union with Jesus in both the physical emotional and spiritual realms. 

 Your life depends upon it.

It's Time to Become God Conscious Permanently!

Let’s Go on a Journey Together!

  • Have Complete Union with Jesus

  • Breathe Vitality and Healing Back into Your Body

  • Open Your Heart and Sit in Love

  • Renew Your Mind and Experience Real Rest


Dr. Johnnett Thatcher

Dr. Johnnett Thatcher, DC is a board certified chiropractic physician and has over 30 years of experience. Her passion is for health and she excels as a nutritional health coach/lecturer/author for patients across the globe. She believes that health is a body, soul and spirit work and has committed herself in a variety of expressions to holistic wellness and continual pursuit of leading edge techniques to discover avenues to wholeness. Whether you are faced with what seems like an insurmountable health and wellness issue, or whether you are looking to connect the dots in your approach to healthy living, Dr. Johnnett will lead you on the journey of a lifetime to better health.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction Video

    2. Workbook

    3. Summary

    4. The Biochemistry of Spending Time with God

    1. Summary of Module 1

    2. Spiritual - Breath

    3. Technical - Breath

    4. Activation - Breath

    5. Playlist for Activations

    1. Summary of Module 2

    2. Spiritual - Heart

    3. Technical - Heart

    4. Activation - Heart

    1. Summary of Module 3

    2. Spiritual - Brain

    3. Technical - Brain

    4. Activation - Brain

    1. Summary of Module 4

    2. The Word - Spiritual

    3. The Word - Technical

    4. The Word - Activation

    5. Declaration Prayer

    1. Light - Spiritual

    2. Light - Technical

    3. Light - Activation

    4. Summary of Module 5

About this course

  • $89.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content